A Sicko’s Rant on Sickness…

I’ve been sick for a while now, hence the lack of updates here on the blog. In my feverish state I figured I’m just gonna write a little bit about sickness. Bare with me as I will rant more than a southern grandma.

You know when you are sick, especially if you have a fever, how you can’t get comfortable whatever you do? You can’t lay down because even though you’re sick, laying down all day is just boring. You can’t sit up because you don’t have the energy to do so. And you can’t half-sit, half-lay down because… well… that is just silly. The biggest problem I have with being sick isn’t the fact that I’m not feeling well, it’s the fact that even though I have no energy, I’m so incredibly bored at the same time. Watching old chick-flicks on HBO only goes so far.
Another thing that bugs me about being sick is the fact that I still have to attend classes. I’ve been sick for a few days now, and even so I’ve been to (almost) every class. Maybe that’s due to my own ambition of graduating Summa Cum Laude, I don’t know, but either way, my professors don’t have much sympathy for the common cold, no matter how gruesome it may be. Some classes are just impossible to miss, especially the ones that are only offered once a week in three hour sessions. Labs are even worse to miss, luckily my four-hour lab was canceled this week (ironically due to the TA being sick), so at least I didn’t have to sit through four hours of pipetting techniques.

There are some good things about being sick as well though, especially if you have a loving significant other that takes care of you. Luckily I do have that, and sometimes it feels as if he reads my thoughts. This morning I woke up at around 5 am because I was coughing like a smoking emphysema patient, and I wanted a glass of water really badly. I did my best telepathic “please get me some water baby” accompanied by some puppy eyes, and sure enough, half an hour later my partner walks in with a glass of water. I’m not usually very high maintenance (I can hear my hubby’s laughter already…), but it’s nice to be taken care of once in a while. And when one part is sick, it’s sort of the other’s obligation to do so.
The other part that is good about being sick is that you are allowed to feel really sorry about yourself. “Starving kids in Africa? Who cares, I’m siiiick”, “Earthquake in Brazil? They don’t know how good they have it under that rubble”, “Child labor in China? Ok, they make my Ibuprofen, so I have to be nice to them”. I can care solely about myself for once without feeling the slightest ounce of guilt, that is definitely needed once in a while.

Anyway, this was more a post to say; “Hey I’m alive (even if it’s barely)”, and that more of my thoughts and rants will come, you just have to be a bit patient (patient, because I’m sick… get it?) with me. I have a few idea on what to come, something about capitalism (that oughta be fun), more on people’s perception of gay people, and I’m definitely doing something on the bible in correspondence to gays. So stay tuned!

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